
We offer 13 core principles that will help you elevate your personal development skills and take your confidence to a new level rather your looking for 1 on 1 coaching or you feel that your better suited for a group setting we have a program specific to your needs.


1 on 1

When you're looking to build your confidence one of the main ingredients you need is faith in YOURSELF. Be ready to walk in the jungle where you will learn core principles such as

  • Overcoming your fears
  • Pushing through failures
  • Importance of environment
  • Making positive changes
  • and much more!

A Lioness protects her cubs by making sure that they are equipped with the skills they will need to walk alone in the jungle. My 13 principles will help you to do just that and much more join our E1M1 family today why not?

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Group Coaching

Each 1 Motivates 1

Most cases its hard to change alone and in times like these you may need a family of peers just like you looking to find their way back to happiness to help you along the way in our group setting you will

  • Have a support Group
  • Join weekly zoom calls
  • Learn 7-13 principals focused on building confidence
  • Build networking opportunities

You don't have to travel alone on this journey that we call life join my brand new Each 1 Motivates 1 program now by setting your appointment today.

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Speaking Events

Queen A Speaks

There is nothing that means more to me than helping people smile when they realize just how easy and simple it is to get back to yourself and build their confidence. Book Queen A to help strengthen your communities faith and put them in the lioness den where they will learn the principles needed to overcome their fears today by clicking link below and booking your appointment.

And az alwayz thankz for your support!

Book Queen A